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A WebsocketConsumer child class, which represents the code run when a client connects to the ws/remotescripts/(?P<script_id>\d+)/$ URL.



This represents the name of the channel_layer that will be created and it's always formed based on the script_id part of the WS URL (i.e. f"output_{self.script_id}").

This, in effect, means that for each remotescript configuration created, a separate channel_layer will be created (e.g. output_1 for remotescript with id = 1).



This is run in the backend when a front-end WS client connects.

The script_id is stored (using the kwargs in the url_route) so that the appropriate group_name can be created.


When this method is called, an event dictionary is passed to it. This contains all the information that the caller wants to push to the Websocket client connected to a specific channel group.

A message key is expected to be found in the event dict, which is the content which is dumped to JSON and pushed to the front-end WS client.

This method is run indirectly from the ScriptExecutionBaseView ( via the channel_layer.group_send function call. This is done by specifying the type parameter to be script.output (see channels' documentation).