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fatal: unable to find remote helper for 'https' errors

If you keep getting fatal: unable to find remote helper for 'https' errors when running git commands, it's most probably due to an unsuccessful cmsenv execution (e.g. running cmsenv in an more than two weeks old CMSSW_*_*_Xversion). Just log out and login again.

Debugging build tools (such as edmWriteConfigs)

Tools used during scram b, such as edmWriteConfigs, can also be edited by the user and can, therefore, be debugged.

If the source code of the tool has not been checked out by the user, a precompiled one will be used. If the user has checked out the package containing the tool and builds CMSSW, the newly compiled tool will be used instead.

For example, if edmWriteConfigs hangs during scram b (resulting in scram b never finishing, with the message @@@@ Running edmWriteConfigs for RecoPixelVertexingPixelTripletsPlugins being the last one printed), you could:

  • git cms-addpkg FWCore/ParameterSet
  • Edit the FWCore/ParameterSet/bin/edmWriteConfigs.cpp file to print stuff you want to check.
  • scram b as usual.