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SiPixelCluster overview

Located in DataFormats/SiPixelCluster/interface, the SiPixelCluster.h contains the declaration of the SiPixelCluster class.

From the source file's header:


Class to contain and store all the topological information of pixel clusters: charge, global size, size and the barycenter in x and y local directions. It builds a vector of SiPixel (which is an inner class) and a container of channels.

In it, three helper subclasses are contained:

  • Pixel
  • PixelPos
  • Shift

UML diagram

    class SiPixelCluster{

    class PixelPos{
        -int row_
        -int col_
        +dx(): int
        +dy(): int

    class Shift{
    -int dx_
    -int dy_
    +dx(): int
    +dy(): int

    class Pixel{
        +uint16_t x 
        +uint16_t y
        +uint16_t adc

    SiPixelCluster -- PixelPos : Nested Declaration
    SiPixelCluster -- Pixel : Nested Declaration    
    SiPixelCluster -- Shift : Nested Declaration