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Class used to contain pixel data (coordinates, ADC values) using the SoA approach, intended to be used by CUDA code.

The actual data is stored in an instance of SiPixelDigisCUDASOAView (m_view attribute), accessed via the view() method.

Header on github.

Source on github.

UML diagram

class SiPixelDigisCUDA{
    -SiPixelDigisCUDASOAView m_view
    -cms::cuda::device::unique_ptr<uint16_t[]> m_store
    +view() SiPixelDigisCUDASOAView

class SiPixelDigisCUDASOAView

SiPixelDigisCUDA -- "1" SiPixelDigisCUDASOAView : m_view




This attribute is a pointer to GPU memory. What does it store?

Attribute of type cms::cuda::device::unique_ptr<StoreType[]> (from HeterogeneousCore) , where StoreType is uint16_t. This is a pointer to an array stored on GPU memory.

It is initialized by default in the SiPixelDigisCUDA constructor, and is then passed on as a parameter to initialize m_view. See the Constructor below for more information.


An instance of SiPixelDigisCUDASOAView. Stores all the Pixel Digi data as SoA.



Gets a number of maxFedWords (number of pixels??) and a CUDA stream as inputs.

Initializes the m_store and m_view attributes.

m_store is initialized using the cms::cuda::make_device_unique function (found in HeterogeneousCore), by giving it the maxFedWords multiplied by the kMAX constant found in the StorageLocation enumerator as input.


What is the meaning of the number produced by the multiplication above?

i.e. kMAX * maxFedWords

Probably the memory size allocated on the device for storing the SiPixelDigisCUDASOAView instance?


Accesses the data stored in the m_view attribute, which are stored with the SoA approach.