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CUDA kernel for finding Clusters given digis extracted from raw data.

Taking advantage of the SoA data approach, it is meant to be executed with a 1D grid of blocks, each block being a 1D grid of threads. The number of blocks and threads used to launch this kernel is equal to the number of modules present in the detector which, in turn, depends on the Phase:

Blocks Threads
Phase 1 1856 256
Phase 2 3892 384


The number of blocks is equal to the number of modules, which depend on the Phase. This number is found in the Geometry/CommonTopologies CMSSW module which contains constants related to the Pixel Detector Topology.


This kernel is launched with 1 block per module, meaning that each GPU block will be assigned the digis of 1 module. Then, each block's thread is assigned 1 or more digis to operate on.

Note 1

The case to launch this kernel with less blocks than there are modules is also accounted for, by running a first for loop in each thread which runs from firstModule (i.e. the thread's Block index) to endModule by increments of gridDim.x (i.e. total number of blocks).

Note 2

Since the number of threads per block will probably be smaller than the number of digis per module, a single thread will have to take care of doing the calculations for more than one digi.

This is accounted for by a second for loop which starts at first (calculated by using the index stored in moduleStart and adding the threadIdx.x) and iterates up to numElements (i.e. total number of digis), with increments of blockDim.x (i.e. number of threads per block)


wordCounter [Input]

The total number of pixels for all data.

Calculating the total number of pixels in a module

This is done by the code below:

for (int i = first; i < numElements; i += blockDim.x) {
  if (id[i] == invalidModuleId)  // skip invalid pixels
  if (id[i] != thisModuleId) {  // find the first pixel in a different module
    atomicMin(&msize, i);

Shared memory is used to store the msize variable. This is shared among the threads in the GPU block to calculate the total number of pixels that the current module has.

In a nutshell, all threads in a GPU block are assigned elements in the id array, and, after skipping invalid ids, they try to find the index in the id array where the id is different to the one that the current block is assigned.

Let's assume that the id array is as follows:

Then, a single block is assigned to Module Y data:

Let's assume that we are launching the kernel with 2 threads per block. Those start iterating over the id array, starting from the index that the moduleStart array indicates for the module that has been assigned to the current block (in this example, this index is 15):

They keep iterating, with step blockDim.x1. If invalidModule is found in the id array, they skip it (see t1 below):

Next iteration:

Next iteration. Notice that t1 is now assigned an index which belongs to the next module, Module Z. This satisfies the if (id[i] != thisModuleId) condition, so the atomicMin(&msize, i) instruction is executed, meaning that the thread will store in msize the minimum between msize (which has been initialized with the value of the total number of pixels, i.e. the final index of the id array) and the current index it's assigned (i which is equal to 22). msize is, therefore, assigned the value 22 and t1 breaks from the loop.

Now, only t0 is left to continue iterating, which, in turn, is assigned an index which belongs to Module Z, index 23. The condition mentioned above is satisfied again, so t0 executes atomicMin(&msize, i) with i=23 and msize=22, so msize stays 22.

We now know the last non-invalid index of the current module, and this index is stored in msize.

Duplicate detection

Alternative 1 (PR #37359, Not merged)

Similarly to the total module pixels calculation, to detect duplicate digis a similar iteration logic can be applied.

Assumming 2 threads per block, t0 starts with the first element of the module (with index 15) and compares the x and y values between index 15 and the next one (assumming it's not invalid), i.e. index 16:

If both x values are the same and y values are the same, the digi is considered a duplicate.

Then, t0 compares element 15 to 17:

Elements 18 and 19 are invalid, so they're skipped and the 20th is compared:

This goes on until the msizeth element.

Then, t1 will start from the element at position 15 + threadIdx.x = 16 and compare the x and y values with the ones at position 17 and so on.

t0 will then iterate to the next element with step size blockDim.x (in our case 2), until the 2nd element from the end is reached (in our example, the element with index 20; there's no comparison to be made once a thread reaches index 21).

Alternative 2 (PR #38946, Merged)

This alternative approach uses shared thread memory to create a status array where the number of times each pixel has been encountered in a module is stored. To make it as small as possible, 2 bits are used per pixel, which, for Phase 12, amounts to 160x416x2 bits = 16640 bytes per module3.

A visual representation of the first array element of status (Pixel coordinates are in X,Y):

In effect, we can store the status of 16 pixels per status array element.

In the status array, one of the following values are stored:

  • 0x00: Empty
  • 0x01: Found
  • 0x03: Duplicate

A getIndex function is implemented, which maps a pixel's x and y coordinates to an index to the status array.

A getShift function, which, once the index in the status array is found, finds the exact "sub-location" that the pixel should be stored in, in the given status array element.

For example, pixel with coordinates x=2 and y=0 be stored in:

getIndex(x, y) = (uint32_t))(pixelsPerModuleX * y + x) / valuesPerWord) 
    = (uint32_t)((160 * 0 + 2) / 16 ) = 0

So the pixel(2,0) is stored in status[0].

To find the shift amount within status[0] where the pixel information will be stored in:

getShift(x, y) = (x % valuesPerWord) * 2 = (2 % 16) * 2 = 4
So, we have to shift by 4 bits within status[0] to store information for pixel(2,0).


  • In getShift, the multiplication by 2 corresponds to the number of bits used to store the per-pixel information.
  • getShift will not work if the pixelsPerModuleX value is not a multiple of valuesPerWord (i.e. 16) and would need to take y into account too.

To read a specific status for a specific pixel (see getStatus()), once we have determined the index and shift, we use the mask calculated (for bits=2, mask is 0x03) to extract the data.

Doing a bitwise AND (&) of the mask with the status[index] value, after right-shifting (>>) the latter by the shift value calculated, we can read the 2 bits that refer to the specific pixel:

To write the status to a specific pixel (see promote()), we typecast the status to uint32_t:

Then left-shift it (<<) by shift bytes:

The new_word is then calculated:

And, finally, an atomicCAS (Compare And Swap) operation is done between status[i] and new_word, which stores the new value back in the status array, if new_word is different than status[i].


atomicOR could be used directly, instead of using OR (|) and then atomicCAS, but it seems it's a bit slower.

Documentation on atomicCAS can be found here.

Histogram Filling


what the heckerino is histogram filling?

The hist histogram is stored in shared memory, so that its access from all threads is as fast as possible.


// fill histo
for (int i = first; i < msize; i += blockDim.x) {
  if (id[i] == invalidModuleId)  // skip invalid pixels
if (threadIdx.x < 32)
  ws[threadIdx.x] = 0;  // used by prefix scan...
for (int i = first; i < msize; i += blockDim.x) {
  if (id[i] == invalidModuleId)  // skip invalid pixels
  hist.fill(y[i], i - firstPixel);

Competitive filling

We will fill our histogram hist with the values i-firstPixel. We make sure that each pixel get's in the right bin, corresponding to their column in the module map.

hist.fill(y[i], i - firstPixel);

Here as we know, y is the column value array of the digis.

If we iterate through the histogram, pixels in the first column will be processed sooner to pixels in the next column, and so on.

What we don't know however is what order we are going to process our pixels in one column/bin. Filling the histogram is competitive between the threads, the following image illustrates this.

Iteration order of pixels in cluster

Figure 1 - Order in histogram

Not to misunderstand, we don't fill our histogram in this order, this is the iteration order of cms::cuda::HistoContainer.

This iteration order can change, and most probably will change from reconstruction to reconstruction.

We see the relative positions of pixels in our cluster:

Iteration order of pixels in cluster

Figure 2 - Our HistoContainer

Our ordering will be defined as top to bottom inside bins and left to right between bins.

At least for this example, it doesn't really matter if one imagines the order in one bin the other way around.

Id/position stored in histogram visualized

Figure 3 - What we store in the HistoContainer

On the left, we see how we will later iterate through the histogram.

In the middle and on the right we see what we are actually storing in the histogram.

We are storing i-firstPixel. This is the relative position of our digis in the digi view/array.

We don't need all data about digis stored there, just their position in the digi array or digi view.

Actually, not even that. We only need their relative position and not the absolute. That is because all digis belonging to the same module are consecutive in the digi array.

This way we can save precious space, because we would need 32 bits to store the absolute position of a digi, however, this way we can use only 16 bits.

Hmm, 16 bits means 2^16 = 65536 maximum possible relative positions.

How do we know there are no more digis in the module?

On one hand, it is very unlikely, since in phase 1 our module dimensions are 80*2*52*8 = 66560.

Module occupancy is much lower than 0.98 in any layer, so we're good.

Still, we're making constraints on the maximum number of digis in the mdodule.

Currently, this is

//6000 max pixels required for HI operations with no measurable impact on pp performance
constexpr uint32_t maxPixInModule = 6000;

We actually don't use this here. We will use this for something else, namely iterating through the digis in the module. Why we will need this will be uncovered soon.

This example only contained one cluster, but in reality we will likely have some consecutive clusters.

Iteration order of pixels in cluster

Figure 4 - Multiple clusters in one module

Again, in reality our cluster will be more spread out, we are only drawing them this close together for the sake of the example.

Adding multiple clusters to the game the iteration order will change.

Nearest neighbours and counting them

A crucial part of the code is the following:

// allocate space for duplicate pixels: a pixel can appear more than once
// with different charge in the same event
constexpr int maxNeighbours = 10;
assert((hist.size() / blockDim.x) <= maxiter);
// nearest neighbour
uint16_t nn[maxiter][maxNeighbours];
uint8_t nnn[maxiter];  // number of nn
for (uint32_t k = 0; k < maxiter; ++k)
  nnn[k] = 0;

__syncthreads();  // for hit filling!

nn or nearest neighbours

We want to store the relative position of the nearest neighbours of every digi. Basically, that's why we created the histogram in the first place. With the histogram the job is half-done, we know the neighbours of every digi columnwise.

We will create local arrays to store the neighbours.

We consider neighbours to be 8-connected.


This would max out the number of possible neighbours to be, well, 8. But as the comment above (and below) explains, due to some read-out inconsistencies or whatnot we can have duplicate digis. So we allocate some extra space for them, but we'll also use some assertions later on to make sure we don't exceed our self-made limit.

// allocate space for duplicate pixels: a pixel can appear more than once
// with different charge in the same event
constexpr int maxNeighbours = 10;

How many digis?

We finally get to answer why we have an upper limit on the number of digis that we get to check rigorously in our kernel.

//6000 max pixels required for HI operations with no measurable impact on pp performance
constexpr uint32_t maxPixInModule = 6000;
It is connected to this:

assert((hist.size() / blockDim.x) <= maxiter);

We want to store nearest neighbours for every digi/pixel, but we don't know in advance how many there are. But we do need to fix the number of threads in advance, that is compile time constant.

nn is thread local, so what we will do, is make it two dimensional and let the threads iterate through the module digis, always increasing the position by blockDim.x, and store nearest neighbours of the next digi in the next row of the nn array.

// nearest neighbour
uint16_t nn[maxiter][maxNeighbours];
uint8_t nnn[maxiter];  // number of nn

For example, if blockDim.x = 16 and we have 120 digis/hits in our event, then thread 3 will process the following digis:

digi id nn place
3 -> nn[0]
19 -> nn[1]
35 -> nn[2]
51 -> nn[3]
67 -> nn[4]
83 -> nn[5]
99 -> nn[6]
115 -> nn[7]

We must decide (or do we) the size of nn in compile time too, so that's why we have maxiter and this dangereous looking message:

#ifdef __CUDA_ARCH__
// assume that we can cover the whole module with up to 16 blockDim.x-wide iterations
constexpr int maxiter = 16;
if (threadIdx.x == 0 && (hist.size() / blockDim.x) >= maxiter)
  printf("THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN too many hits in module %d: %d for block size %d\n",
    auto maxiter = hist.size();

It really isn't supposed to happen. Why?

Why? What would happen in our code if this were true?
threadIdx.x == 0 && (hist.size() / blockDim.x) >= maxiter

Let's say hist.size() = 300.

Well, then thread 3 would try to put the nearest neighbours of the following digis in the following non-existing places:

digi id nn place
259 -> ☠ nn[16] ☠
275 -> ☠ nn[17] ☠
291 -> ☠ nn[18] ☠

We really don't want to have out of bounds indexing errors. It could happen in theory, that's why we run simulations and try to find out are expected (max) occupancy in advance and set maxiter accordingly.

nnn or number of nearest neighbours

We will keep track of the number of nearest neighbours as well in a separate array.

uint8_t nnn[maxiter];  // number of nn

We could actually get rid of this and follow a different approach, can you find out how?

No, but really, think about it
I'm serious

Ok, well. Technically, when you create nn

// nearest neighbour
uint16_t nn[maxiter][maxNeighbours];

You could do this:

// nearest neighbour
uint16_t nn[maxiter][maxNeighbours+1];

And save one field at the end of each row for a special value e.g. and initialize all values to numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()-1 and later only iterate until we reach this value.

This solution actually uses a bit more space 16 vs 8 bits and requires us to do some initialization.

Filling nn

Let's look at how we actually fill our nearest neighbours arrays:

// fill NN
for (auto j = threadIdx.x, k = 0U; j < hist.size(); j += blockDim.x, ++k) {
  assert(k < maxiter);
  auto p = hist.begin() + j;
  auto i = *p + firstPixel;
  assert(id[i] != invalidModuleId);
  assert(id[i] == thisModuleId);  // same module
  int be = Hist::bin(y[i] + 1);
  auto e = hist.end(be);
  assert(0 == nnn[k]);
  for (; p < e; ++p) {
    auto m = (*p) + firstPixel;
    assert(m != i);
    assert(int(y[m]) - int(y[i]) >= 0);
    assert(int(y[m]) - int(y[i]) <= 1);
    if (std::abs(int(x[m]) - int(x[i])) > 1)
    auto l = nnn[k]++;
    assert(l < maxNeighbours);
    nn[k][l] = *p;

Current iteration, keeping track of k

We will use k to keep track of which iteration we are currently in:

for (auto j = threadIdx.x, k = 0U; j < hist.size(); j += blockDim.x, ++k) 

It shall not overflow maxiter

assert(k < maxiter);

There hasn't been any nearest neighbours added to nn[k] so our counter of them nnn[k] should be zero, we check this here:

assert(0 == nnn[k]);

When we find a neighbour, we add it to nn[k]:

auto l = nnn[k]++;
assert(l < maxNeighbours);
nn[k][l] = *p;

We also check that our index l is within bounds.

Pointer to hist element p

We we look at the jth element in the histogram and set the pointer p to this element, i will be the absolute position of our digi.

auto p = hist.begin() + j;
auto i = *p + firstPixel;

We made sure of these conditions when we created and filled the histogram

assert(id[i] != invalidModuleId);
assert(id[i] == thisModuleId);  // same module

Let's find the pointer to the last element in the next bin, this will be e, probably short for end.

Also, we increase p by one so we only start considering digis that come after p

int be = Hist::bin(y[i] + 1);
auto e = hist.end(be);

m, or possible neighbours

Finally we iterate over elements from p++ until e

for (; p < e; ++p) {
  auto m = (*p) + firstPixel;
  assert(m != i);

We know that our column is correct:

assert(int(y[m]) - int(y[i]) >= 0);
assert(int(y[m]) - int(y[i]) <= 1);

So we only need to check whether our row value is <=1

if (std::abs(int(x[m]) - int(x[i])) > 1)

If our row is within bounds, we add m to nn.


In this example:

Iteration order of pixels in cluster

For m we consider the following values

i - firstPixel *(++p) m
4 -> 1 9 13 12 5 2 16
1 -> 9 13 12 5 2 26
9 -> 13 12 5 2 16
13 -> 12 5 2 16

And for the nearest neighbours we get:

i - firstPixel nn values
4 -> 9 12 5
1 -> 9
9 -> 12
13 -> 2

Assign same clusterId to clusters

Essentially, the following piece of code assigns the same clusterId to all pixels/digis in a cluster.

These clusterIds won't be ordered, start from 0, but they will be the same in for neighbouring pixels. They will also be in the range 0 to numElements, which is the maximum number of digis for this particular event.

bool more = true;
int nloops = 0;
while (__syncthreads_or(more)) {
    if (1 == nloops % 2) {
    for (auto j = threadIdx.x, k = 0U; j < hist.size(); j += blockDim.x, ++k) {
        auto p = hist.begin() + j;
        auto i = *p + firstPixel;
        auto m = clusterId[i];
        while (m != clusterId[m])
        m = clusterId[m];
        clusterId[i] = m;
    } else {
    more = false;
    for (auto j = threadIdx.x, k = 0U; j < hist.size(); j += blockDim.x, ++k) {
        auto p = hist.begin() + j;
        auto i = *p + firstPixel;
        for (int kk = 0; kk < nnn[k]; ++kk) {
        auto l = nn[k][kk];
        auto m = l + firstPixel;
        assert(m != i);
        auto old = atomicMin_block(&clusterId[m], clusterId[i]);
        // do we need memory fence?
        if (old != clusterId[i]) {
            // end the loop only if no changes were applied
            more = true;
        atomicMin_block(&clusterId[i], old);
        }  // nnloop
    }    // pixel loop
}  // end while

We also get a bit of explanation, namely

// for each pixel, look at all the pixels until the end of the module;
// when two valid pixels within +/- 1 in x or y are found, set their id to the minimum;
// after the loop, all the pixel in each cluster should have the id equeal to the lowest
// pixel in the cluster ( clus[i] == i ).

This is all true, but we don't see actually why though.

We need to understand what nn and nnn and the hist is, and how everything is connected, and why our while loop is divided into two parts.

So let's dig in.

bool more = true;
int nloops = 0;

more will be set to true every loop if we updated the cluterId for the current pixel, and so it will tell us to terminate our loop or not

nloops or number of loops

while (__syncthreads_or(more)) {

One can reason intuitavely what this does, or can consult the CUDA C Programming Guide.

int __syncthreads_or(int predicate);

is identical to __syncthreads() with the additional feature that it evaluates predicate for all threads of the block and returns non-zero if and only if predicate evaluates to non-zero for any of them.

So more, our local variable is scanned for every thread in the block. We terminate the loop if we didn't update any cluterIds in the previous iteration.

  1. This is equal to the number of threads per block the kernel was launched with. 

  2. See here 

  3. An NVIDIA T4 card has a limit of 64kB of shared memory, see here under Maximum amount of shared memory per thread block