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This section will describe the basic steps one needs to do in order to validate that their code, apart from syntactically correct, also produces correct results.

This usually boils down to:

  • Executing specific workflows. The specific workflow to execute depends on the code you changed. See Workflow numbers below.
  • Comparing the results from an execution of a unchanged CMSSW version.


  • Checkout to an unchanged CMSSW version you want to compare results against.
  • Build it.
  • Execute the appropriate workflow.
  • Create the validation plots: step3_inDQM*.root -o file_base.root
    The file_base.root which will be produced is going to be used later.
  • Execute the appropriate workflow after building your code.
  • Checkout to the code where you've made your changes.
  • scram b clean and re-build the code.
  • Execute the same appropriate workflow.
  • Create the validation plots: step3_inDQM*.root -o file_changes.root
  • Make the validation plots: file_base.root file_changes.root

Workflow numbers for validation

Workflows to execute for validation.


  • 11634.502
  • 11834.502
  • 11604.0
  • 11609.0