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Histogram File Manager API

Documentation on the api folder in the histogram_file_manager app.



This ViewSet provides the Views of the API to the HistogramDataFile model, i.e. the endpoints which list the available instances of the aforementioned model.


To reduce the load exerted on the DB each time a full list of HistogramDataFiles are requested, the responses are cached for 60 seconds (see histogram_file_manager/api/ Any delays in getting fresh data on the available files is due to this caching.


A custom endpoint action which, given the id of the HistogramDataFile and the appropriate information, calls the appropriate parsing function to extract the contents of the file.

The function makes use of the defined HISTOGRAM_PARSING_FUNCTIONS_MAP dictionary which is a dictionary mapping each combination of filetype, dimensionality and granularity to the appropriate parsing function, located in the respective model instances that the method will create.


For filetype csv, dimensionality 2 (2D data) and granularity lum (Lumisection), the appropriate function is: histograms.models.LumisectionHistogram2D.from_csv.

Adding methods for new file types or products

Expanding the HISTOGRAM_PARSING_FUNCTIONS_MAP should be straightforward once the parsing functions are implemented. They just need to be placed as values under the appropriate keys of the dictionary.

E.g. For a test file type, with data dimensionality 2 and granularity lum, the dictionary should be expanded as follows:

    HistogramDataFile.FILETYPE_CSV: {
        HistogramDataFile.DIMENSIONALITY_1D: {
            HistogramDataFile.GRANULARITY_LUMISECTION: LumisectionHistogram1D.from_csv
        HistogramDataFile.DIMENSIONALITY_2D: {
            HistogramDataFile.GRANULARITY_LUMISECTION: LumisectionHistogram2D.from_csv
    # New filetype defined below
    HistogramDataFile.FILETYPE_TEST: {
        HistogramDataFile.DIMENSIONALITY_2D: {
            HistogramDataFile.GRANULARITY_LUMISECTION: LumisectionHistogram2D.from_test
In this example, you should also define FILETYPE_TEST in the HistogramDataFile model.

An depiction of the flow described above can be found below:

flowchart LR
    api[<strong>API Call</strong>\n- File ID\n- File extension\n- Granularity\n- Dimensions] -- <tt>GET</tt> --> hfm["<strong>histogram_file_manager/api/</strong>\n<tt>start_parsing()</tt>"]
    hfm -- <tt>HISTOGRAM_PARSING_FUNCTIONS_MAP</tt> --> hm["<strong>histograms/</strong>\n<tt>from_csv()</tt>\nfrom_nanodqm()</tt>"]

    style api fill:#B74AA545,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px