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This app only provides the HistogramDataFile model.


This is a model which describes some generic attributes of the histogram data files, such as:

  • The filepath where they're located.
  • Their filesize.
  • Their contents, which is a ManyToMany field to the HistogramDataFileContents table. A single DQM file may contain mutltiple types of histograms (e.g. LumisectionHistograms1D and LumisectionHistograms2D).

The DATAFILE_FORMAT_CHOICES class attribute is also defined, which is used by the discover_dqm_files management command. This management command is, currently, the only way to create HistogramDataFile entries in the database.

Currently, the choices for available files provided are only refreshed every time the discover_dqm_files management command is run. To run it, login to PaaS, select the ml4dqm-playground project, go to Administrator->Pods, select the currently running pod, go to Terminal and run python discover_dqm_files


The HistogramDataFile entries can be deleted without affecting the Histograms loaded from the deleted files. However, re-reading the file will NOT update the existing Histogram entries to point to the newly read file

This is due to the HistogramBase model having the on_delete=SET_NULL on the ForeignKey to the HistogramDataFile.

This was chosen so that the large number of extracted lumisections would be preserved in the DB after deleting an entry to a HistogramDataFile.


  • The granularity of the data they contain (e.g. Run or Lumisection data)
  • The data_dimensionality of the data contained (1D or 2D).