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Deployment Guide

The following steps will guide you through the deployment procedure of the app on OpenShift. An overview of the steps is:

  1. Create a new PaaS project
  2. Setup the base image & the repository that will be used
  3. Setup a Database
  4. Setup Environmental Variables
  5. Setup a Django superuser
  6. Mount EOS Storage
  7. Single Sign-On
  8. Deploy
  9. Expose the app

The procedure can be done completely via the web UI provided by PaaS.


.s2i directory inside the root of your repository

We will be using the Software To Image (s2i) approach to deploy on PaaS, namely the Python flavor. This means that a Docker image is created from our repository on each deployment.

There should be a .s2i directory inside your repository, with the environment file in it.

environment contents

These are environmental variables used by Openshift when creating the Docker image. The value of APP_SCRIPT will be the entrypoint of the created image. It should point to

Requesting a website

Create a new PaaS project by clicking here. Then, fill out the fields as shown below:

request website

When creating a website, different site types can be chosen. In order to use the OpenShift software, the PaaS Web Application option has to be selected.

Setup Procedure

Once the website is successfully requested, the (new, empty) project should be available in OpenShift.

Create the base image

MLPlayground needs ROOT in order to read data from .root files. To do so, a ROOT installation is needed in the base image that we're going to build MLPlayground in. Usually, we use python3.8-ubi8, but after lots of failed experimenting with pre-built ROOT packages, it appears that it's "simpler" to build it from source.

For this reason, we are using a python3.8-ubi8 image as base, on top of which we use a Dockerfile which:

  • Installs all ROOT dependencies,
  • Builds ROOT from source.


These instructions are adapted from the tutorial here.

  1. Open PaaS and select your project. There should be no resources there:

  2. Click on the "+" sign, on the top-right:

  3. Add the following in the YAML editor that appears:

    kind: ImageStream
      name: python-with-root
    And click Create. The new base image we will be creating will be called python-with-root, as specified in the YAML above.

  4. Click the "+" sign again, to create a new YAML.

  5. Paste the following contents in the new editor:

    kind: BuildConfig
      name: python-with-root
          cpu: '2'
          memory: 4Gi
          cpu: '2'
          memory: 4Gi
          kind: ImageStreamTag
          name: python-with-root:latest
            kind: ImageStreamTag
            name: python:3.8-ubi8
            namespace: openshift
        type: Docker
        type: Git
          uri: ''
        - type: GitHub
            secret: <??>
        - type: Generic
            secret: <??>
        - type: ConfigChange
        - type: ImageChange
          imageChange: {}
    This YAML specifies that we are using python:3.8-ubi8 as the base image, with the extra steps configured in the source parameter. The result will be stored under the name python-with-root:latest. Note that we are using the custom Dockerfile found here, as specified under source-->git. This Dockerfile builds a Python image with ROOT installed.

  6. Go to Builds and click the python-with-root BuildConfig.

  7. Under the Environment tab, add a ROOT_TAG_NAME variable, with the value v6-24-08. This is the ROOT version to be installed: v6-24-08 seems to work with the python3.8 image.
  8. Under Actions, on the top-right, click Start build:

  9. After several hours, the build of the base image should be complete.

Create the s2i build

Now, once we have created the base image and it has finished building, we are ready to deploy our application on top of the base image.


Adapted from here.

The following steps need to be done in order to configure the web application with the GitHub repository:

  1. Go to PaaS.
  2. Select the project you created

  3. Click on "Add" on the left

  4. choose Git Repository

  5. Paste the repository URL in the field provided.

  6. Under Advanced Git options, you may select a specific branch, if needed. E.g. for the development mlplayground instance, the develop branch must be selected.
  7. Under Advanced Git options, you will be warned that Multiple import strategies detected. Click on Edit Import Strategy and select Builder Image. Next, select Python, and the proper Builder Image version:


    As of writing, we select 3.8-ubi8.

  8. Under General, change the Application name and Name appropriately.

  9. Under Resources, select Deployment

  10. [Optional] Add GitHub credentials at "Source Secret" if the repository is private

  11. Make sure that Create a route to the Application is ticked.

  12. Under Show advanced Routing options: a. Paste the Hostname you want (will be automatically registered), b. Make sure Secure Route is ticked, c. Under TLS termination, select Edge, d. Under Insecure Traffic, select Redirect.
  13. Click on Create. The application has been configured!


    Under Topology, you will see your project trying to run for the first time. This will fail, since most environmental variables are missing. Click on the main app:

    You should be getting the following error:

  14. We now also need to change the base image used to build our app. Go to Builds, select the BuildConfig you just created (e.g. mlplayground-develop), and click the YAML tab. Navigate to spec>strategy>sourceStrategy>from and change the namespace to the name of the project you created (e.g. ml4dqm-playground-dev) and the name to python-with-root:latest, where python-with-root is the base image you created in the previous section.


    The base image must have finished building before you can build your application.

Setup a Database

The database was requested from the CERN DB on demand service. To request one, follow the instructions here.

A PostgreSQL database is used.

After the database has been requested it can be used straight away. Django takes care of creating the necessary tables and only requires the credentials.

Actions to take once the database is ready


This is only needed if you just requested a new Database instance from the DBoD website.

Change default password

Given the username that was sent to you via the DBoD Service, (possibly admin) connect to the database:

psql -h -U admin -p 6601

And run:

ALTER ROLE admin WITH PASSWORD 'new_password';

SSL Configuration


django.db.utils.OperationalError: connection to server at 
"<host>" (<ip>), port 6601 failed: FATAL:  no pg_hba.conf entry for host "<ip>"

Follow the instructions here to edit the required configuration files using the file editor.

Create the database

Assuming that the database name you are going to use is certhelperdb (i.e. DJANGO_DATABASE_NAME is certhelperdb), you will need to create it manually first.

To do so, you will have to first connect to it using psql1:

psql -h <Database hostname> -p <Database port> -U <Database user>

Then, in the SQL prompt, run the following to create the database:

CREATE DATABASE certhelperdb;

and enter your password once prompted.

Setup Environmental Variables

This procedure takes place on PaaS, via the Developer view.

  1. Under Secrets, click Create>Key/value secret:
    • Secret name: postgres-user
    • Key: user
    • Value: Your PostgreSQL database's username.
    • Click Add key/value.
    • Key: password
    • Value: Your PostgreSQL database's password.
    • Click Create.
  2. Under Secrets, click Create>Key/value secret:
    • Secret name: cern-sso-login-registration-credentials
    • Value: Your SSO registration's Client ID.
    • Click Add key/value.
    • Value: Your SSO registration's Client Secret.
    • Click Create.
  3. Under Builds --> Your project name --> Environment use the Add from ConfigMap or Secret button to add the variables:

    DJANGO_DATABASE_USER <postgres-user/user> DJANGO_DATABASE_PASSWORD <postgres-user/password> CERN_SSO_REGISTRATION_CLIENT_ID <cern-sso-login-registration-credentials/CERN_SSO_REGISTRATION_CLIENT_ID> CERN_SSO_REGISTRATION_CLIENT_SECRET <cern-sso-login-registration-credentials/CERN_SSO_REGISTRATION_CLIENT_SECRET>

  4. Non-secret variables:

    1. DJANGO_SECRET_KEY: Generate a django secret key.
    2. DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS: The app's URL without "https://", e.g
    3. DJANGO_DATABASE_ENGINE: django.db.backends.postgresql
    4. DJANGO_DATABASE_NAME: The name of the database that is going to be used in your PostgreSQL instance. Note: You will have to create the database yourself, via psql or pgadmin.
    6. DJANGO_DATABASE_PORT: The port that the DBoD service gave to you.
    7. DIR_PATH_DQMIO_STORAGE: The colon-separated paths pointing to the directories that are going to be searched for DQM files.
    8. DJANGO_DEBUG: False, or True if you need to temporarily do some testing.
    9. CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS: Your full app's URL with "https://", e.g.
    10. SITE_ID: Empty, until Single Sign-On is configured.
  5. Save the variables and rebuild the project:


The procedure above should only be followed once. Once the app is fully configured, you should not have to alter anything, unless a change occurs (e.g. Database host/password).


More information on the environmental variables can be found here.

Mount EOS Storage

The project has 1 TB of storage associated in the EOS. To mount it to OpenShift follow these instructions.

Detailed instructions can be found on the PaaS docs.

Create a superuser

Open a terminal in the running pod

  1. Go to PaaS and, in the Developer view, click Topology:

  2. Click on the application shown there:

  3. On the right, in the Pods section, click View logs:

  4. Click the Terminal tab:

  5. Run source root/bin/ This is needed to import ROOT in python later.

Run the Django management command

In the terminal you opened in the previous section, run python createsuperuser to create the superuser. You will be asked for a username, a password and an e-mail (the latter is optional).

Single Sign-On

CERN Setup

  1. Visit the application portal.
  2. Create a new application, giving it a meaningful Application identifier (e.g. ml4dqm-playground).
  3. Under the SSO Registration tab, create a new one:
    1. Under Redirect URI(s) add
    2. Under Base URL add
  4. Click Submit and note the Client ID and Client Secret that have been generated.


Do not use the Identifier which is automatically generated by PaaS (found in the application portal and looks like webframeworks-paas-*). It is not meant to be used for the SSO registration of the application, so you will need to generate a new one.


The single sign-on integration is very easy when using the django-allauth python package, which has built-in CERN support.


Based on the installation procedure here.

  1. If you have not yet created a Django superuser for your database yet, create one.
  2. Log into the admin site of your application using the superuser account.
  3. On the left, go to Sites and add a new entry, using the full URL of your app:
  4. Then, go to Social applications and add a new entry, selecting CERN as a Provider and using the client_id you noted in the previous section:
  5. Verify the SITE_ID value by checking the database itself. E.g. it might ge 1 or 2. To do that, you will first have to open a terminal on a running pod. Run python shell. In the prompt that appears, run the following:
    from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
    The number printed on the terminal is your SITE_ID. Use it to update the environmental variable
  6. Make sure you have set the following environment variables in your Build environment on PaaS:

Deploying a new build

If you want to rebuild the deployment, you can do so manually by triggering a build on PaaS.

This can be done by visiting, selecting the Developer view, selecting the project and then visiting Builds. Click the three dots on the right of your BuildConfig and press the build button. The new deployment process should be started. In the meantime, the logs of the build process can be viewed by clicking on View Log.

Exposing the app

See the PaaS docs on how to make the app visible from outside the CERN GPN.

  1. You will either have to do that through LXPLUS, or your computer must be inside CERN. You can always use an SSH tunnel for that.