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Database management

How do I dump and recreate a list of DQM files?

The easiest way is to just delete all HistogramDataFiles instances. To do so, you will first need to delete all data associated with these HistogramDataFiles. For example, for LumisectionHistogram2D:

  • Connect to the database via psql or pgadmin.
  • DELETE FROM public.histograms_lumisectionhistogram2d; will delete all 2D Lumisection histogram data.
  • DELETE FROM public.historgam_file_manager where dimensionality=2 will delete all DQM file entries which contain 2D Lumisection histogram data.
  • Exit psql.
  • Run python discover_dqm_files which will recreate entries for the deleted DQM files.


I started a new build on PaaS but it is stuck at 0 pods scaling to 1. What's wrong?

This usually happens if the resources set for the deployment are higher than the maximum available. This should not happen, if the limits are kept under the max ones for the MLPlayground app. If, however, this happens, you could either:

  • Wait it out for a couple of minutes.
  • [MOST PROBABLE SOLUTION] Try scaling the pods down to 0 and up to 1 again.
  • Set the limits to the default ones (e.g. cpu: '1' and memory: '2Gi'), and re-raise them.